Dec 3, 2015

TAKE ACTION: Tell Your Senator to Vote for Clean Energy

Updated October 28, 2016

The Senate is reviewing Michigan's energy laws RIGHT NOW! Will they decide to double down on dirty coal, fracked natural gas, nuclear and other polluting sources or will they move boldly toward a clean energy future? We have a chance to get more renewable energy and efficiency built into Michigan's energy policy but we need your help to make this happen.

1) Click here and put your address into the form to find out who your state Senator is.
2) Review our talking points (below).
3) Click here to find your state Senator's office phone number.
4) Call your state Senator's office and use the talking points to tell them: vote NO on Senate Bills 437 and 438. If you call M-F 9am-5pm you'll likely get to speak with the legislator's staff. If not, please leave a voicemail for them.

Talking Points
[Introduce yourself, say where you live in their district]

I urge you to vote NO on SB 437-438 (sponsored by Sen. Mike Nofs and John Proos). These bills raise Michigan's renewable energy standard to 15% by 2021 which is not enough to seriously mitigate climate change and address our dependence on polluting fossil fuels. They also create a grid usage charge for net metering/distributed generation. I oppose this legislation because it would keep our electric grid powered by dirty, polluting, and unsustainable fossil fuels.

I want Michigan to hold utility companies accountable and require them to invest in renewable energy and efficiency. SB 437-438 will not accomplish this.

Here is want I want to see in Michigan's next energy policy: 
-Increase Michigan's renewable energy standard (not an unenforceable goal) to 30% by 2030.
-Increase Michigan's energy efficiency/optimization standard from 1% to 2% annually. 
-Remove the existing spending cap on Michigan's energy efficiency program.
-Ensure that "clean" or "renewable" energy is not redefined to include any fossil fuels, nuclear energy, or energy from incinerating wastes. 
-Ensure that customers are able to produce their own energy and are allowed to either use that energy themselves or sell it back to a utility company at full price, not a wholesale price.
-Lift the cap on net metering/distributed generation.
-Enable everyone to participate in community renewable energy projects.

Please vote NO on SB 437-438 in order to support clean air, clean water and clean energy.

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